Just Believe

Most of my life I was fairly skeptical of astrology, until a friend convinced me to sit down with an astrologist. I would scoff a little at the horoscope pages in the paper as a teen and most of my adulthood.

Yet in 2013, a friend introduced me to an astrologer that she had worked with a couple of times and she convinced me that I, too, had to try him out. She thought he was very practical, knowing and gave great advice on one's life direction -- even for the skeptical.

The astrologer is Gahl Sasson who visits DC from LA every fall to give workshops and individual astrological readings. The fee to work with him felt so high, particularly because I was so poor at the time. But trusting my friend's advice, I decided to scrape together the dough and sit down with Gahl.

The session was nothing like I expected. Instead of being told some fear mongering information about my life, Gahl was essentially giving me pointers on how to harness past pain (that I was still feeling at that time) towards the positive in actionable ways. I felt outside of my body in these conversations,

like a new angle from which to view my past experiences and life. I loved this reframe.

It honestly felt like a therapy session, with a focus on utilizing the power of the Universe to move and ascend beyond what I could with my limiting mind. And he pointed out the patterns that showed up in my life from my childhood until then. He empowered me to become stronger, more honest, and more authentic. To take advantage of certain times of life to get things done, to let things go and to accept who I am. I was changed.


to let things go and accept who I am”

Now, I'm not saying that you need to become someone who's into Astrology or anything like that. But I will say that there is so much to gain from finding new platforms from which to examine your life from different perspectives. This can look like:

  • Getting out of your regular routine

  • Experiencing something new

  • Traveling far from home

  • Reading new kinds of books

  • Journaling

There are so many tools and ways to zoom out from your life a little, and then look back at a new angle and see what's serving you, and what's not.

For me, it has been an amazing journey to find this new tool. I now openly dive into astrology as often as I can and in particular with a few people with whom I now trust (like Chani). I also meet with Gahl every year. And each time, I discover something new in the world and in myself to explore.

Be curious. Dream.


Jessica Sandhu