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Streaming Yoga Classes


Namaste, friends!

I’m excited to share the launch of a new wellness platform I created called, “Be Free, Live Fully”.

Be Free, Live Fully is a healthy, mindful, and compassionate community of teachers, coaches, healers, and students.

It welcomes all and is supported by its community members through pay what you can donations. 

Going forward my sessions will be booked through this platform.

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Flow With Me!

Streaming Yoga at Be Free, Live Fully

Monday | 7:30am Yin Yoga
Tuesday | 5:30pm Vinyasa Flow
Wednesday| 12pm: Lunchtime Flow
Friday | 7:30am Morning Flow
Saturday | 10am Vinyasa Flow
Sunday | 10am Yoga in the Park
Sunday | 12pm Extended Yoga Practice

When the pandemic forced us to work remotely and restructure our lives, online yoga became such an important way for many of us all to stay connected and healthy. Through that process and in talking with so many of you, it became apparent that so much more was needed to navigate these uncertain times. That is what inspired us to launch Be Free, Live Fully.

Join us in building the life you want, in a community you're proud of and in a vision of a better and more inclusive world.


Yoga is better together!

Practicing yoga together—even virtually—is a great way for all of us to feel a little more grounded and connected during this turbulent time.

Don’t forget to tag me in your posts and stories when we flow together!

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